Sunday, May 31, 2015

Lab Report

In this post, I will post my lab report about my activity in university. This lab report will help you to know more about Operating System, how to manage it, how to operate it, how to modify it, and etc. At each meeting of lab, I will make a lab report, except at final and mid examination test. This lab report is used as an indicator of capability of students, such as how far they can manage the operating system, how far they know that operating system, and other capabilities. This lab report is also used as a grade in the information systems. Without this, I can't track how far I have master this subject (Operating System subject).

Download Link:

Note: This lab report is in Indonesian Language, if you want to understand this lab report, you just use the translator.


Preface Assignment

In my university, before each lab, I must make a preface assignment that is a video. These videos is about Operating System and other related things. In my university, I use two OSes, the first OS is Windows and the second OS is Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, and others). These videos is like a tutorial for you who want to use hidden features, enable some admin features, and do something else. Some of this video is oriented for windows and the others for linux. These vidoes are like answers for problems that is in the problem's paper. If you want  to know more about these problems, you just watch my videos. Thank you :D!

Note: My videos are in Indonesian language, if you want to practice Indonesian Language, you just watch my videos entirely. But, one of my videos is in English.

Video Link:

Information Systems ITS Surabaya Indonesia
ISICO 2015

How Do Computer Monitors Work?

In everyday life, we always do our jobs in front of our computers. But, think it again, how do we do complicated things or jobs in the computers without ever knowing what actually happens inside our machine? The answer is in these computer monitors. They have contributed to every day life greatly than we think. We think that computer monitors are just a device for showing our desktop, but they have great roles in our life. These roles are helping us in showing information, displaying videos, playing games, and other important roles. Let's think it again! How do they help us without we ever know how they work? The answer is in my assignment. Hope you enjoy to read my assignment.

Assignment Link:
My Assignment

Information Systems ITS Surabaya Indonesia
ISICO 2015


In this topic, I will discuss about synchronization, especially producer/consumer semaphore solution. Let's discuss the meaning of synchronization. Synchronization (refers to process) is about how processes are coordinating between each other to finish a job or some jobs in certain sequences in computer systems. There are various types of algorithms or methods to solve the synchronization problems. They are mutual exclusion, baker's algorithm, semaphore solution, and etc. The producer/consumer semaphore solution refers to semaphore solution. In this synchronization topic, there are many terms that you may not know about it. They are starvation, deadlock, livelock, and others terms. If you want to know more about that terms or other things of synchronization, you just search it at google. So, in this topic, I just specify my discussion and it's about producer/consumer semaphore solution.

Document Link:
Producer/Consumer Semaphore Solution

Information Systems ITS Surabaya Indonesia
ISICO 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

Tutorial of Installing Dual Boot Windows and Ubuntu in VirtualBox

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install dual boot in VirtualBox. There are two techniques in this installation. The first technique is that you install Windows first then Ubuntu and the second technique is that you install Ubuntu first then Windows. Since you are using Virtual Box, you don't have to worry that your laptop or PC would be broken or something else (the worst case). This tutorial will be help you in the future, if you want to install real dual boot in your laptop or PC.

Dual Boot is a phenomenon of having two OSes in a laptop or PC and starting an OS that chosen when the boot menu is up. It's like installing two OSes in our laptop or PC. The purpose of Dual Boot is that if you want to utilize two different or same OSes optimally in your laptop or PC. You get many benefits from dual boot in your laptop or PC, such as using alternative OS (when one fails to start), exploring others features in another OS, working with another platforms, and etc. Since dual boot has many benefits for us, let's try to install dual boot in VirtualBox in the case of practicing.

For the complete tutorial, see this link below: 

Note: My tutorial is in Indonesian language, if you don't want to understand my tutorial entirely, you just see the pictures in my tutorial.

Information Systems ITS Surabaya Indonesia
ISICO 2015